Monday, December 24, 2007

Stay or Go With My Lying Husband

Dear Ruth,

I have a strong intuition because I feel things and somewhat just know. However with my husband, it's like a swarm of insecurities and ups and downs trying to trust him. We married before knowing each other for long and our rocky marriage bothers me.

My whole life feels as if it has been a gamble. I love my husband, but his lies hurt me too much. I need to know if it's okay for me to let go of our rocky start and allow a new beginning to happen.

Stay or Go

Dear Stay or Go,

My first hunch is that you are way too insecure and are staying with your husband because you keep waiting for something, anything to change except you. It's time for you to learn how to know when your husband is lying.

Your husband loves to lie about opportunities because he truly wants to take the easy road. If while he is telling you about another BIG opportunity, notice if your head or body hurts. Stop listening and just pay attention if he's getting more animated, louder, and touches you more. Then think: is he making sense or is he just trying to convince himself?

It's time to utilize your intuition in a healthier way. Think like someone you admire. What would he or she do? Then do it.

Trust your instincts.

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