Friday, December 14, 2007

New Business location - yes or no?

Dear Ruth,

I am in the process of a major decision right now. With the housing market being so flat right now an ordinary choice has become a bit tricky. I have found a house that would be ideal for my Tai Chi business and give our family more living space. It is very unique and I feel it is being put in my space to enable me to help more people while being more present to my family.
Tricky part - Our house is listed but not sold. The question is will my house sell quick enough so we do not get stuck with two mortgages if we go ahead and purchase the other house?
I am having a difficult time getting neutral enough to be intuitive. Can you give me any insight?
Not Neutral Enough

Dear Not Neutral Enough,

My common sense is for you to wait, but my intuition says you have another choice.

You are not the only one being stymied by the real estate market. Perhaps the present owner of the house you desire would be willing to rent his place to you, with the idea of some of the rent being put to the purchase when you sell your present home.

Intuitively I 'see' you not selling your home for many months - too long to be paying two mortgages. So if the seller isn't willing to go with the rental idea, don't do anything right now.

2008 will be a better year for you. Be patient.

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