Friday, December 19, 2008

Hot/Cold Spirits

Dear Ruth, I just finished reading your book, They Don’t See What I See. I borrowed it from a friend who asked me to read it because of my father, who passed away almost seven years ago. My mom remarried and rebuilt our home. The only space they didn’t change was her old room that I now sleep in. After my father died I kept his ashes in an urn in my room, but it was always so hot in there and neither my mom nor I could figure out why. (Ruth: Often heat from the spirit represents a healing of the body, mind).

One day two weeks ago I was cleaning my room and moved dad’s urn and ashes into another room. Now it’s super cold in my room no matter how many layers I put over me. (Ruth: Extreme cold represents the spirit trying to make a connection with you).

Your book is the only one I have read on ghost cleaning and now I totally believe that my father’s spirit is trying to contact me. I’m a little nervous to do it. Are there any tips you have to relax my body before I attempt to connect with him? I have never really gotten over the fact that he died. Do I need to let go before I try? Or will I be able to let go when I do? And how do I know that he has/hasn’t crossed over.

Any help would be great.
Spirit Thermostat

Dear Spirit Thermostat, My hunch is your father is trying to heal you or someone he loves through you. When a spirit emits a lot of heat, it is generally for a physical or emotional healing attempt. Cold sensations get more intense when the spirit is trying to communicate with you. Relax your body by thinking about happy, loving times you had together. Fear is the enemy. Love is the way. It is your father who won’t let go till you hear what he is trying to tell you. Pray for his peace of mind, and then ask him yes/no questions: do you want to tell me something… do you need me to tell Mom something… do you need help letting go? Then be still and listen to what comes into your thoughts. You may need to do this a few times before you understand. Just stay in a prayerful state of mind to reduce fears. Bless all your loved ones,

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