Monday, July 14, 2008

Paranormal Experience

A Spirit Message?

Dear Ruth,

I don't know if you can help me but for the past week i cant get this uneasy feeling to go away.

I thought maybe it was my aunt trying to reach me from the spirit world. I'm new to this feeling and it is starting to scare me.

I told my mom who read your book and she told me to tell the spirit to go into the light, and that her place was not here, but I still have that feeling. Is something wrong with me?


Dear Kris,

It is always wise to pay attention to your sixth sense and to check around for anything amiss. Like an animal in the woods, use your senses to note where the uneasy feeling is coming from.

My hunch is you froze and didn't look and listen. Now it's time for you to discover if the uneasy feeling is from outside or inside of you. First check out if what you're feeling is coming from anything or anyone nearby. If you can't see or hear a reason for your discomfort say your aunt's first name out loud to sense if this feels right. Then ask her what she wants. If it is your aunt, a feeling of loving tenderness will remove your uneasiness.
Trust what you sense in your head.

If what you hear feels right, do it. If not, firmly tell the ghost to leave.

The next time you get this uneasy feeling and another name comes to you, say that name aloud.

Your mediumship abilities may be opening.

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