Saturday, July 26, 2008

Murdered Victim Wants Killer to be Caught ASAP

Dear Ruth,

Recently I saw the ghost of a murdered victim I’d read about in the newspaper.

He told me how he was killed and who did it. Now he wants me to go to the police and tell them what he said.

I’m afraid the police will think I’m crazy. Why did he come to me? What should I do?

Dear AZ,

Ask yourself why did this ghost contact you?

Perhaps you’re a devotee of the TV show, Ghost Whisperer. Maybe your heart opened when you read about this man.

In either case, my hunch is that your ghost is afraid that someone close to him, may be killed next by the same person, unless he is caught.

I suggest you write out all the details he gave you, and give the information to the police, telling them what I wrote in the above paragraph. If you feel comfortable enough, you might add, “I’ll be glad to help you in anyway I can”.

Once you’ve done all the above, pray for the deceased to go to the light/heaven to find peace.

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