Sunday, June 8, 2008

Book Comment

Hello Ruth,

I hope you don't mind me e-mailing you, but I bought your book on line, on Amazon, and I had it posted to me yesterday and I’ve just finished your book. I have to say I loved it, I look for some books for me to develop again Spiritually, My Nan was always going to Spiritual Church, but never developed herself, and my Mother went to a closed circle to develop, so I’ve been brought up always to believe there is life after life.
I started to develop when I was around 20 years old, I made friends with a women at the closed circle I used to go to and we would practice and go to sites and practice tarot. Then when I was around 24 years old I stopped.

I’m now 34 years old, and feel pulled into wanting to be in contact with spirit again, I have no family as such, no brothers and sisters and have had a lot of life changing events happen to me over the last 3 years, and I am looking for the warmth and confidence I used to receive when I was developing in my 20's with spirit. So I’ve been looking for books for me to do it myself, and I have contacted a women in the local paper to go to a closed circle to develop again, she said they will start in February.

I just wanted to say, reading your book has lifted my mood, and gave me some hope in trying to contact spirit again, and to really thank you for writing your book.

Thank you.
Z. Green

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