Thursday, February 7, 2008

Keep Dreaming About My Home Needing Repairs

Dear Ruth, I've had the same dream over and over for years about living in a house and needing to fix it.

First it had a big hole in the ceiling, then the floor needed to be replaced.

Through the years I repaired the walls, the windows, the basement, and the attic.
I've had this dream a hundred times and after 20 years, I think my house is finally in good shape.

What does this dream mean?

Dear Dreamer,

Two interpretations of your home needing repairs dream are:

1. the home represents your life, the roof your connection to a higher consciousness, the floor represents how well grounded you are.

2. the home represents your faith, what is broken that needs fixing and how far you've come.

Seems you've come a long way.

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